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Is Your Painful Past Holding You Back?

Margo Staniforth, a certified Hypnotherapist and Women-Centered Coach, specializes in guiding women to uncover the root causes of their stress and overwhelm, empowering them to break through the barriers holding them back from living their desired lives.

Through proven, effective methods, Margo is dedicated to helping you transform your pain into power.


A Transformational Experience

Women often push aside the pain, fear, and trauma they’ve experienced throughout their lives to take care of and protect those around them.

However, it never really goes away. Eventually, it catches up to us. The lingering effects of a painful past, toxic relationships, personal struggles, and trauma will affect all areas of our lives. As a result, we find ourselves struggling with our emotional, mental, and physical health.

Margo Staniforth Identify the sources of pain


Identify and access the sources of your pain, negative self belief, limitations and hidden blocks that are holding you back.
Margo Staniforth implements the processes and methods to help.


Implement proven methods and effective processes to help you unblock those limiting and negative beliefs that are holding you back.


Ignite and release those empowering, positive beliefs and healthy habits, to rebuild your confidence, energy, and enjoy life.
Meet Margo Staniforth

Meet Margo

With almost a dozen certifications under her belt, Margo’s most valuable “training” has been her lived experience – and healing. 


Like so many other women, Margo has experienced trauma, pain, and hardship. 

She understands firsthand how the physical, emotional, and mental trauma and residual pain can continue to affect all areas of your life – without even realizing it.

You don’t know what you don’t know.

It can affect relationships and partnerships. Our ability to trust and differentiate between healthy vs unhealthy relationships and behaviors.

One of the most detrimental effects is how we think and feel about ourselves. Negative self-judgment, toxic self-talk, and sabotaging behaviors occur because we don’t feel worthy or deserving. 

Margo realized that the only way she could change her conditions and results – was to change her behaviors and limiting beliefs…

Margo’s personal journey and self-discovery began after she discovered the power of OMNI hypnosis.

She describes it as her “Kaboom” moment.

Shocked at how powerful and effective it was for her in a very direct way, she became licensed and certified for various hypnosis methods that can target different behaviors and struggles.

Margo realized that her personal experiences and understanding along with a powerful combination of Hypnotherapy, Cognitive Behavior Techniques, and other proven methods, she could help other women who are also struggling.

No matter the age or stage a woman is in her life, Margo can help them transform their pain into power. 

Whether it’s facing emotional, mental, or physical health challenges, looking for alternative pain management, treatment of menopausal symptoms, stress management, or motivation and balance to help guide us through the everyday challenges life throws at us, Margo can help.

She understands personally – and professionally, the connection our past trauma and pain has with our current results.

Now’s the time to make that change.

Go Forth! Let Margo help you transform that pain into power.


Proven Methods: Powerful Results

The damage caused by unhealthy relationships, trauma, events, and life transitions can trickle into all areas of our lives. If we ignore or push that pain aside, we begin to struggle with feelings of being stuck, unworthy, and in pain.

With her proven methods and practices, Margo guides her clients to identify, implement, and ignite positive change in their lives. She helps them break free from limiting beliefs, cultivate confidence, and progress forward, turning their pain into power.

Here are some of the services Margo offers:

Hypnotherapy Session

Used to help treat common mental health issues, including anxiety, PTSD, panic attacks, and stress. This gentle psychological therapy can be provided in a group or individual, tailored sessions.

Women Centered Coaching

Margo’s approach uses proven, proprietary methods, technology and practices that specifically address the struggles, barriers, and hidden blocks that target women.

Thoughts evoke our feelings, which lead to actions that determine our results. CBT helps you to identify, challenge, and change those negative beliefs that are blocking you from moving forward. 

Weight & Lifestyle

A combination of science based clinical hypnosis and Hypnotherapy CBT can help end unhealthy eating and lifestyle habits, improve motivation, energy, and build confidence.

Quit smoking

We all know the short and long term effects of smoking. OMNI Hypnosis can help control and eliminate the negative habits associated with smoking and build positive healthier ones. 


Meditation and mindfulness based therapy helps with distancing and removing personal responsibility for events that are not in our control. To be present and live in the moment.

Want to Know More About Margo's Methods?

Here are some helpful facts about the proven methods that Margo practices. She will often implement and combine these methods based on each client's specific needs and desired results.

"Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself."


Book a Call

For your convenience, you can call or text us at 403.318.0252 to book a call or schedule an appointment.


Margo's Methods Work!

Here’s what a few of her clients have said.